Integrate Open Notify API with Your Space Tracking Assistant
Learn how to integrate Open Notify API with your AI agent to track the ISS and astronauts.
Open Notify Integration Guide
This guide will walk you through integrating the Open Notify API with your OpenAssistantGPT chatbot.
Open Notify provides real-time data about the International Space Station (ISS), including its current location, pass times, and crew information. The service offers up-to-date tracking of the ISS's orbit and predictions for when it will pass over specific locations. It features information about current astronauts in space and their mission details.
Integration Steps
1. Review API Documentation
First, visit the Open Notify API documentation to understand the available endpoints and how they work.
2. Create Custom Action
In your OpenAssistantGPT dashboard:
- Go to the Actions Dashboard
- Click "Create New Action"
- Chose Get or Post
- Fill the action form with the following details:
Name: get_open_notify_data
Description: Get data using Open Notify
Parameters: This will depend on the API you are integrating. Parameters are query parameters passed in the URL.
3. Assign Action to Your Chatbot
- Go to your Chatbot Dashboard
- Select your chatbot
- Go to "Settings" > "Actions"
- Add the get_open_notify_data action to your chatbot
Using the Integration
Your chatbot can now handle science & math-related queries. Here are some example questions you can ask:
- Where is the ISS right now?
- When will the ISS pass over New York?
- Who are the current astronauts on the ISS?
The chatbot will automatically use the Open Notify API to fetch and return the requested information.