Documentation - Whitelabeling OpenAssistantGPT with custom domain

Whitelabel your AI chatbot using custom domain.

Whitelabeling your AI smart chatbot with custom domain.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to configure a custom domain for your chatbot, allowing you to fully remove the domain from the embed script, so your branding is all your own. After completing these steps, you’ll be able to use your own domain, like

1. Requirements

To set up a custom domain for your AI assistant, you’ll need to purchase the PRO plan.

2. Import your domain

Once your PRO plan is activated, you’re ready to import your first domain. We highly recommend using a subdomain format, such as Import your domain here.

3. Configure your DNS

After creating your custom domain, a popup window will display one or two DNS records to add. Be sure to save this information. If you’re familiar with DNS configuration, you can handle this step. If not, your IT team can assist you. For additional support, don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

4. Verify your configuration

Once your DNS is configured, it may take up to five minutes to complete the setup. After a few minutes, go to the domains section in the dashboard and press "Verify" for the domain you configured. The status will display on the card. If configured correctly, the status should read: "Valid Configuration."

5. Attach domain to a chatbot

For the final step, open your chatbot settings, navigate to the "PRO Features" tab, and attach the domain you created to your chatbot. Then, return to the embed code, where you’ll see the updated code using your new domain.

Congratulations 🎉! You’ve successfully configured a custom domain for your OpenAssistantGPT chatbot. With this setup, your chatbot is fully whitelabeled, allowing for a seamless, branded experience on your own domain. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, our support team is here to help. Enjoy the benefits of a professional, custom-branded AI assistant!

If you have any issue dont hesitate to contact our support we will help you to confiugre everything.