Documentation - Files

OpenAssistantGPT Files

The upload file option allow you to upload a table of question and answer that trainer wants your chatbot to learn how to respond. The system would provide your chatbot with more knowlege and skills in such way that tainer can upload a releveant file that his chatbot needs to learn by answering the question or by reading the table. And when chatbot is retrained with that file it will enhance chatbot performance such as replies related to the content of the uploaded file.

To upload a file on our platform, follow these steps:

  • Open:
  • Upload a file.

Note that upload types that are not files are currently not supported by the system. Allowed upload extensions are: 'c', 'cpp', 'csv', 'docx', 'html', 'java', 'json', 'md', 'pdf', 'php', 'pptx', 'py', 'rb', 'tex', 'txt', 'css', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'js', 'gif', 'png', 'tar', 'ts', 'xml', 'zip'. Upload files with unsupported extensions will be prohibited.