Documentation - Configure Web Searches for OpenAI Assistant API Chatbot

Configure web search on your assistant correctly

Web Search Configuration Documentation

In this documentation, we will explain how to configure web searches for your chatbot. Having web searches will allow your OpenAI Assistant chatbot to access the latest information from the internet. It is important to configure web searches correctly to make the best and most optimal queries to get relevant information.

1. Purchase Web Search Credits

First, you need to enable web searches. To enable web searches, you need to buy credits in our dashboard in the billing section.

2. Enable Web Searches

When your credits are purchased, you can enable the feature in your chatbot settings in the "web search" tab.

NOTE: Now that you have enabled the live search for your assistant API chatbot, if you open the OpenAI console, you'll see two new functions on your chatbot. These functions are created by OpenAssistantGPT; make sure to never change them or delete them.

3. The Prompt

Now that web searches are configured correctly, we highly recommend updating your chatbot prompt if you want better results. Here's what we recommend adding at the end of your prompt:

PROMPT: If you don't find information in the document about the subject requested, do a web search to find additional information. Always do the web search with the current time in the query.

With this added to your prompt, it will only search for information when needed, and it will also search for the most recent information.

You can play with your prompt how you want in your prompt what we recommend is simply a basic usage to make sure everything works correctly for you but you may want different behavior.

If you have any issue dont hesitate to contact our support we will help you to confiugre everything.